womenscheapcarinsurance.org.uk - what is it?

This site is not operated by a company offering specialist car insurance, but instead cumulates information regarding the pricing of car insurance for women. There are a number of articles and within them links to others on this and other sites. There are several pages that detail the findings of research conducted by the site operators. The overall aim is clearly to give the reader information about the current state of car insurance pricing for women, and to encourage them to make use of the available information to find the best value for money policies.


The landing page is very simply laid out with a minimum of graphics. Mercifully, there are no immediate pop ups or annoying videos. Headlines leading to the site’s pages of research data are nicely highlighted and are in a larger font than the rest of the text, and the links work immediately, as do those to external sites.


The simplicity is very refreshing and not having to deal with a host of advertising material and videos is very good. The text is well written and easy to read, with good grammar and punctuation, and is neither patronising or overly-complicated in its tone. The research data pages are well laid out and easy to interpret, with conclusions telling the reader what is important to know. Links to other pages on the site and to external sources work immediately.


Content is devoid of any superfluous waffle. The first headline declares that women can still obtain car insurance at below average prices and what follows backs that up. There are three pieces of research included: How age affects quotes for men and women; how job description affects quotes; and why insurance is cheaper for young women. Each of these headlines leads to a dedicated page in the site where the research is laid out. The methodology for the research is explained at the head of the page, followed by statistics and data, with a conclusion for each piece clearly explaining the findings and what it means for those seeking insurance. There are some useful external links to the European Commission where EU gender-neutral pricing rules are explained, two articles from a national newspaper that could be useful in getting quotes, and to the Association of British Insurers where interesting statistics can be found.


This site is for the serious reader looking for useful advice and the lack of advertising material (there is one for a price-comparison website at the top of the home page, but that is all) makes it easy and pleasurable to read. Navigation is fast and easy with information very well laid out. The language used hits just the right tone, providing serious commentary and analysis without being dry and boring. The information provided should be of use to any woman seeking car insurance at a favourable price.